Activation of Hangzhou Protocol between December 3 and December 4, 2021

I hope someone finds this data useful.


I ran a snapshot export/import benchmark on my baking machine. I don’t recall the exact hardware stats of the machine, but it is several years old and has a 1 TB SATA SSD and 8 GB RAM.

Exporting the snapshot took about 130 minutes:

$ time tezos-node snapshot export --block head~2 --rolling
Dec  1 14:16:25.336 - node.snapshots: exporting a snapshot in rolling mode, targeting block hash
Dec  1 14:16:25.336 - node.snapshots:   BMVEdLfifE9q4TfAKF6zPY6eYHJkDGYUhgp17E65jPhi62VP3Eg (level: 1909963)
Copying context: 50698K elements, 4154MiB written Done
Dec  1 16:26:37.412 - node.snapshots: successful export:
Dec  1 16:26:37.413 - node.snapshots:   TEZOS_MAINNET-BMVEdLfifE9q4TfAKF6zPY6eYHJkDGYUhgp17E65jPhi62VP3Eg-1909963.rolling

real    130m14.261s
user    28m18.218s
sys     25m4.182s

Importing the snapshot took another 46 minutes:

$ time tezos-node snapshot import 1909963.rolling --data-dir tezt/
Dec  1 16:31:19.012 - node.snapshots: importing data from snapshot
Dec  1 16:31:19.012 - node.snapshots:   1909963.rolling: chain TEZOS_MAINNET, block hash BMVEdLfifE9q4TfAKF6zPY6eYHJkDGYUhgp17E65jPhi62VP3Eg at level 1909963 in rolling (snapshot version 2)
Writing context: 50698K/50698K (100%) elements, 4155MiB read Done
Storing floating blocks: 120 blocks wrote Done
Dec  1 17:17:45.315 - node.snapshots: successful import from file 1909963.rolling

real    46m26.819s
user    33m14.182s
sys     13m41.108s

I did not run the node to let it catch back up with the network, but since it would have been about 3 hours behind at that point, I estimate it would take about 10-15 minutes to sync.


As for the context storage migration, I had seen a few benchmarks using really high-end systems with virtually unlimited resources, so I tried it out on intentionally low-end hardware to see how long it would take.

I ran a test migration on a freshly imported rolling snapshot of mainnet onto a Raspberry Pi 4B with 8 GB of RAM and a 256 GB microSD card (i.e., a really slow storage medium). The migration took 86 minutes, or about 1.5 hours, on that hardware. So if you have an SSD or NVMe drive, I think you could expect the migration for a similarly sized context to complete much faster than that.

real    86m16.189s
user    0m1.821s
sys     0m0.390s
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