Customer Review Platform on Blockchain

Dear perfectparadox,

Thanks for your kind reply. I am thinking about something more basic at a first moment, just allowing people to “vote” for any item by using a rating method, like stars. This would be done by using some kind of plug-in or add-on that could run on web-pages, phone-apps. Maybe this could be free to the users (or charged a small fee). And for companies, they would have to pay a higher value to make the items available and/or to see the data. Companies would be able to select the time period they wish to analyse and compare different periods.

All data would be stored on smart contract, so the idea is to store the less possible. Or to use a hybrid model, like storing hashes of an IPFS file.

The idea is to create a reverse Oracle, like our friend @arrijabba proposed in the other topic Oracles on Tezos. So we are going to have multiple sources feeding information to a single smart contract and this would be the source of information to companies.

We could build a digital karma system for users so individuals with higher karma scores would have its reviews considered more accutate.

So, in summary, the idea is building an N-to-N Oracle system, rather than a 1-N. We should head to decentralization, not keep centralized. To me a “trusted source” for an Oracle is a poor concept according to the theory I’ve presented here.

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