ENVITED | Who Owns Our Smart Contract Code? - The problem of data ownership on a blockchain

Allowing contracts to carry metadata is a good idea. Software licenses seems like a very sensible field to carry but others could be helpful as well including

  • original source code and compiler version, if compiling from a high level language
  • documentation
  • contact information

This could take the form of a pair between

  1. the hash of a RDF document
  2. a URI where the document can be retrieved

This pair could be programmatically updatable from the contract. That way, it can be changed, but there’s a clear trace of what it was at different point in time. For instance, the user of a contract can retrieve and store the license at the time they use it for later proof. Alternatively, a simpler standard would have the pair remain unchanged after origination.

Suggested roadmap:

  1. start by embedding an IPFS hash as an annotation at the beginning of contracts
  2. develop an ontology for talking about the metadata in OWL or RDFS. Keep it simple to start with. Ontologies of licenses most likely already exist but the way
  3. as part of a protocol upgrade, introduce a proper field for URI + hash
  4. optional: introduce a michelson operation to change that field