Feedback request: Slashing and automated staking for bakers in the Oxford 2 proposal

We have a problem understanding how and when an inactive baker’s stake is released. Here is a stack exchange question on the situation we’re encountering.

Any help would be appreciated because currently there are 2 ex-bakers who cannot get their stake back.

One with entire balance unstaked and another with entire balance staked while both being inactive.

Unstaked: tz1i9KWD..DGmyAD on



To answer my own question, since Oxford2 activated, the staking mechanics have changed, as a necessary migration step in order to further change and improve in Paris with Adaptive Issuance (AI).

We encountered 2 scenarios:

(1) Baker deactivated since Oxford went into effect (this is the way going forward, before Paris is activated /w AI).

Here are the 2 tezbake/Octez commands needed to release the baker’s stake:

tezbake signer client set deposits limit for baker to 0
tezbake signer client finalize unstake for baker

After setting deposits limit to 0, which is now mandatory to deactivate, the baker has to use the finalize unstake operation to receive stake back, after the stake is no longer slashable (~7 cycles).

(2) The baker deactivated before Oxford2 went into effect.

The baker has to reactivate, then on the following cycle deactivate by setting deposits limit to 0. After waiting the additional 7 cycles like above, and executing the finalize unstake command, the baker should get their stake back.

This change could have used more focus, especially since changing the fundamental way the delegate logistics work is not something that happens frequently.


Thank you very much for taking the time to gather the piece of information and putting it there!