Oracles on Tezos

Dear Arrijabba,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply. It certainly makes things more clear to me. I had already imagined once something that stores a hash instead of the whole data, and uses a cross-chain solution. Maybe something hybrid with another blockchain like IPFS or even with current Google or Amazon storage tools (although less appealing)…

I particularly enjoyed your comments that I quote below:

This matches with the theory that I’ve explained in my most recent topic here on Tezos Agora " Customer Review Platform on Blockchain". And I really think that it makes more sense than all other proposed Oracles. Many sources of information to the Oracle, instead of one “trusted” source. “Trusted” centralized source seems we are using old world concepts. So, this is really brilliant to me.

It is what I suggest in my proposed project of people reviewing items with stars from 1-5 or like/dislike.

We could start a whole new kind of multi-sourced oracles. with this concept. One example would be some kind of contract/oracle to reward people that stay home in times of pandemics.

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