Tezos calling convention migrating from Breadth-First to Depth-First Order (BFS to DFS)

We would like to express our concerns with respect to the latest Florence proposal. Particularly, we are worried about changing the execution order from BFS to DFS.

Note that:

  • We agree that the switch is necessary: it will open up the possibility of having more complex behaviors and interactions between the contracts, especially the ones developed by different teams. Such emergent behaviors are necessary for the ecosystem to progress.
  • We agree that just doing the switch is superior to combining the two operation orders in any way. The latter has a lot of dark corner cases, and developing contracts in this hybrid setting would be akin to playing 5D chess with multiverse time travel.
  • We have checked a number of mainnet contracts (with a special focus on DeFi contracts) and have not identified any contracts that become vulnerable due to the BFS→DFS switch.

However, we still have some concerns regarding how the switch is executed:

  1. While our research has not revealed any vulnerabilities in the reviewed contracts, we have identified some potentially unintended side-effects caused by the switch.
  2. Florence proposal’s campaign seems to understate the possible risks. It is impossible to carefully review all the contracts on mainnet and in development, some of the vulnerabilities or side effects may pass unnoticed. The proposal description, in turn, mentions the switch like any other entry in the changelog, which may be misleading for the voters.
  3. A simpler execution order may incentivize people to blindly use more inter-contract communication. There are currently no comprehensive tutorials or best practices for inter-contract calls – it may lead to false assumptions, misunderstandings, and vulnerabilities, especially with CPS view entrypoints.

1. Unintended side effects

Changing the execution order may lead to issues even if no single contract becomes directly vulnerable. In DeFi, subtle differences in the behavior of a set of contracts can lead to attacks like the famous Uniswap and Lendf.me breaches. When we analyzed the Tezos ecosystem for vulnerabilities of this kind, we concluded that such attacks were not possible, partially due to BFS execution order.

We have identified two unintended side-effects of the BFS → DFS switch in CFMM (Uniswap-like) contracts:

  1. By abusing tokenToToken function in Dexter or ctez CFMM, one can get a flash loan in tokens from a CFMM contract.
  2. A consequence of (1) – if ctez CFMM contract is a price oracle in another contract, it becomes possible to change the returned price of the asset by putting the oracle call in between loaning and returning.

These can’t be treated as vulnerabilities per se – as of now, it seems it’s not possible to use these side-effects to steal funds or buy expensive assets cheaply. However, in certain conditions, e.g., if some contract relies on CFMM as a trustworthy price oracle, this might become a problem.

But the greater concern is that one can’t catch such subtle differences in behavior by only “checking if a contract assumes a certain execution order”. A more in-depth analysis and collaboration with smart contract developers are required.

2. More inter-contract communications

BFS execution order provides almost no guarantees to contract developers, which makes them use inter-contract communication as rarely as possible. The switch to DFS will incentivize people to split their contracts and, likely, make mistakes. There is currently no comprehensive guide explaining how to prevent reentrancy attacks in the DFS world, what bad patterns should be avoided and why, and which ones should be adopted instead.

One of the stated reasons for the switch is that CPS-style views become reliable in the DFS world. Namely, with DFS you can be sure that when you call a CPS view, you will get the result in the first reentrant call. We may assume that if Florence is accepted, there will be more people who rely on CPS-style view calls. This should be a concern due to two reasons:

  1. It’s hard to use CPS-style views correctly: you need to use synchronization primitives like mutexes or semaphores, ensure that the contract never ends up in an intermediate state, check the source of the data, etc. High-level languages may, in theory, try to encapsulate this, but currently such communication is still manual and error-prone.
  2. If a contract implements a view, one can trick it to issue an operation. Currently, Tezos contracts mostly use sender value for authorization – according to our review of the mainnet contracts, tickets are not quite popular yet. The security of the existing contracts now relies on the fact that the existing CPS views return types don’t match the types of entrypoints like FA2 transfer. If CPS views become more common, the type signatures would likely match eventually, e.g.:
    1. Imagine there’s a multisig contract with (pair address (contract bool)) %isOwner CPS view.
    2. Let’s also say this multisig contract controls a token with bool %pause entrypoint. This entrypoint checks sender == multisig, and pauses the token if the condition holds true.
    3. We can then bypass the signatures check by calling %isOwner with the callback address equal to KT1TokenAddress %pause.

3. Campaign

Introducing the switch as a regular “protocol proposal” without providing an in-depth analysis of the possible risks is irresponsible. When stakeholders vote for such a proposal, they don’t have all the information – the change in the execution order looks like a regular entry in “Florence changelog”, and the trust in the authors of the proposal (“a joint effort from Nomadic Labs, Marigold, DaiLambda, and Tarides”) makes voters lean towards accepting the proposal without researching the possible consequences.

This creates an alarming precedent: ”trustworthy” teams may, in theory, make a harmful proposal succeed, counting on voters who are accustomed to accepting proposals that resemble technical changelogs without researching their implications.


The Florence proposal may lead to unintended side-effects and increased complexity of inter-contract communication. Moreover, it downplays the possible risks by saying that the change in the execution order should not affect the existing contracts. We suggest providing a risk disclaimer in the proposal so that this matter can get the attention that it deserves. That being said, we still consider the proposal beneficial for the ecosystem and recommend accepting it.