Tezos Domains Sunrise

Tezos Domains Sunrise

In this article, we would like to share a quick update about the state of the Tezos Domains project and the upcoming sunrise period.

Sunrise Period

During the sunrise period, you can get a free Tezos Domain for your public open-source Tezos-related project or public baker (one domain per project/baker). The domain expires in one year from launch with the possibility to renew at any time during that period.

The main reason for a sunrise period is to protect existing projects and bakers from domain squatters and the risk of being impersonated.

If you meet the requirements head to Tezos Domains - Sunrise to reserve your domains!

The sunrise period ends on 3/31/2021!

Don’t worry if you don’t qualify for the sunrise period — you will be able to get your domain through the initial auction with the minimum bid at 1 XTZ!

Please do not submit personal domain requests from the sunrise period form.

Tezos Domains on Edonet

We are happy to report that a test version of our dApp is now available at https://edonet.tezos.domains.

This is edo2net test network which is running the same protocol as the current mainnet (PtEdo2ZkT…).

Since last time, we have added and improved a lot of things.

  • Auctions — you can now participate in auctions, see all bids, your current auctions, and auction history (we have testing auction TLDs .a1 , .a2 and .a3 that rotate so each day a different one is allowing to place bids).
  • Activity — you can view all activity (blockchain interactions) on your account page.
  • Harbinger integration — the dApp shows you approximate USD equivalent when you are placing a bid or buying a domain.
  • Email notifications — you can subscribe to email notifications about being outbid, and winning or losing an auction.
  • Gravatar integration — when you set email or Gravatar hash in the additional data of a domain with a reverse record, you will be able to see the avatar associated with your address on our site (and any service that integrates with it in the future). You can generate a hash from your Gravatar email here.
  • We updated to Beacon 2, which brings improvements and more supported wallets in the “connect” experience.
  • Lots of UI improvements.

You can create an Edonet Tezos Wallet easily in the Temple Wallet with the file generated from https://faucet.tzalpha.net (Import Account => Faucet File).

You can use any Beacon compatible wallet or Ledger natively.

We welcome everyone to test it out and register domains, play with auctions with their Edonet accounts. Do not hesitate to let us know if you find a problem or have ideas for improvements. Please note though, that we will not migrate any data to other testnets or the mainnet.
This is for testing purposes only!

Mainnet Launch Schedule

We aim to launch Tezos Domains on mainnet in April 2021. Security audit with Quantstamp will take a place during March for the smart contracts and client libraries.

Mainnet launch will allow everyone to get their domain name through auction. In the first phase, we are planning to open the auction for all names that are equal to or longer than 5 characters. Shorter names will become available in auctions in a later phase during this year.


We would like to extend our thanks to Tezos Foundation for continuously supporting the project and making it possible.

We would also like to thank everyone in the Tezos ecosystem that opted to work with us and integrate Tezos Domains into their products or projects. Tezos Domains wouldn’t be possible without your help!

About the Team

The team at Agile Ventures has been working with Tezos since the early alphanet days. We have created two open-sourced projects focused on helping developers interact with the Tezos data and events easier and are hosting publicly available endpoints at TezosLive.io.

Join the Conversation

As always, we want to invite everyone to join the discussion. Do you have a question or feedback about Tezos Domains as a whole or any of its parts? Let us know!

And if you want to chat, come join the Tezos Domains Group on Telegram!


How about using a Tezos way of authenticating ownership like signing a message, instead of relying on some social media that not everyone uses? Isn’t that the true way of verifying ownership of an address? Your system can automate this too. Your form can generate random bytes, or a string, for a baker to sign, they submit the signed bytes, you validate signature. Done.

We have thought about this and most people (large bakers, or addresses owning smart contracts) will not want to sign anything using their production keys (or ledger).

On the ledger, you don’t even see what are you signing :frowning: .

If you look at the baker registry, that was the main pain point mentioned by a lot of users in the beginning. We wanted to do this in a way that is the easiest for most people.

I agree that not everyone is a fan of social media, but we have to get the word out about Tezos Domains. This is a relatively easy way how can we do that.


I have the same problem with http://t.me/TezosGovernance in Telegram. I have to hunt down and study the social media ecosystem to figure out who the real bakers and project leaders are. An on-chain registry would be an awesome idea! Currently the Telegram room is acting as an off chain registry of sorts.

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Are you kidding? That’s the entire f-ing point of signing with your key!! You’re supposed to use your production key to prove who you are! You aren’t proving anything by signing with some random key. And the registry? Same thing. There should have been a signature field as part of the baker’s info which was signed by their own baker address, again, for the very purpose of proving who they are!

you can do your own project and demand signing whatever you want

Every time you sign a message and broadcast it to the world you increase the chances of someone figuring out your private key through brute force attacks. Therefore the less signing the better until Tezos is a quantum resistant coin. Someone correct me if I am wrong…

So in the test version there are just domains ending in .edo, correct?
But they do cost real .tez to acquire… will they become unusable with when the protocol upgrades to Florence?

We welcome everyone to test it out and register domains, play with auctions with their Edonet accounts. Do not hesitate to let us know if you find a problem or have ideas for improvements. Please note though, that we will not migrate any data to other testnets or the mainnet.
This is for testing purposes only!

This is still a test release on Edo2net. It is just for testing as mentioned in the article above. It does not cost real funds.

You can create an Edonet Tezos Wallet easily in the Temple Wallet with the file generated from https://faucet.tzalpha.net (Import Account => Faucet File) .

Please explain how that would work

Every action taken on the blockchain is a signed message. Every message that is signed publicly increases the chance that your private key can be discovered (hacked). I haven’t seen it spoken about but in theory bakeries should rotate their keys every so often to reduce the chance of a brute force attack. In the future quantum computers will be able reverse engineer the private keys faster and faster therefore key rotations will be needed be done even faster to keep up with the threat. We need a new bigger address space for private keys to defend against quantum attacks, and also a better encryption algorithm which I believe they already exist. I will have to create a new post about Tezos Quantum Resistance to start raising awareness on this issue.