There is no such thing as a “descentralized blockchain” if we have a party with such veto power. What we have here is a centralized blockchain, at least in the decision-making part, we are centralized, let’s call it by its name, it’s centralized. And it will be centralized until no single party have the veto power.
TF doesn’t seem to want to cooperate voluntarily, then from now to 10 years, if they keep baking with full veto power, would you consider it in 10 years to inject a proposal to do something? They can’t legally vote nay or yay. They will be forced to comply with the law and vote “pass” to every proposal.
We have already been asking nicely for 2 years, first year was to bootstrap the network, but the other 2 years have been just abuse. They said they would stop baking.
I don’t think they can legally anonymize their coins either, they would be sued. We really want tezos to be decentralized in the decision-making part, so what do we do? We just wait with crossed arms until they want to cooperate, or we do something via governance?
They say, our bakers will be operational just long enough to help to bootstrap the network, how long will take that according to their concept of “long enough”? 10 years? 20 years?
I’m basically baking, risking my money inside bonds, so I don’t even have liquid XTZ available to spend, with the hope that one day it will be descentralized IF this party voluntarily decides to stop baking. I believe it is objective we do something via governance.
EDIT: We can shut down their baking operations via a tezos proposal, this would be our way of “asking nicely” to stop baking, if they move the coins to new accounts, we will then know who we are dealing with.