Welcome to Jakarta!

The Tezos mainnet has upgraded automatically, activating the ‘Jakarta’ proposal at block #2490369 :rocket:

Thanks to all bakers and node runners for a successful 10th (!) upgrade. A quick overview of what’s included :point_down:

This #Tezos protocol upgrade introduces Transaction Optimistic Rollups :newspaper_roll:

It’s the first protocol native scaling solution on #Tezos and one of few truly decentralized Layer 2 solutions out there

Read all about them here:

Also in this #Tezos upgrade:

:tickets: Extra security for Michelson tickets

:seedling: Safer Sapling integration

:radio_button: New “Liquidity Baking Toggle Vote”

:desktop_computer: Improvements to the Michelson interpreter

:ballot_box: No more rolls. Voting power now follows a delegate’s precise stake

:bullettrain_front: As always, the upgrade train doesn’t stop here

We are currently finalizing the Kathmandu proposal – and further laying the groundwork for Smart Contract Optimistic Rollups, a Data Availability Layer, and other improvements to Tezos