Wrapped Tezos

Well and that’s your opinion.
Arthur might not be the “leader” in Tezos, but his opinions on Tezos are still very important to me, more so then from others here, and I’m guessing the better part of this community shares the same view.
All the companies building currently on Tezos have their own agenda and if they ever feel the need to use other blockchains to launch a product or decide to build something prematurely because it makes more sense financially for them, they will(StakerDao). Which I’m not judging of course.
But Arthur has no such agenda, so his opinion(to me) regarding this matter has greater value then the opposition.


It is the perfect time to build deFi apps on Tezos blockchain.
Have you seen the current gas fees on Ethereuem recently ? it is crazy and unsustainable.
Just sending a transaction cost me $4 ! more complex operations up to $20 !
I think we need WETH and bring the operations on tezos blockchain, it would be the new gold mine and if we dont do it, other blockchains will seize the opportunity.
I wonder how TF can pay millions of dollars for a baseless lawsuit but can not build some fundamental blocks of deFi on Tezos blockchain to give it a head start.


I’m sorry… I can’t stay away from wXTZ! While Arthur B’s concerns are valid from a certain set of perspectives, there are additional concerns like being made irrelevant with a feckless foundation.

Right now our best chance imo is to keep pushing on all fronts and not discourage any Tezos initiative. The most dangerous thing isn’t being a vassal chain to Ethereum, it’s being irrelevant, ineffective, weak spirited, dispassionate, with a disgruntled and frustrated staunch supporter base. That’s the danger we need to worry about.

An unintended consequence of asking people NOT to build on permissionless, decentralized systems is they lose passion for the project and leave to where they’re welcome. When enough people leave, the brain drain does the rest.


@jonas feedback?


So what exactly are you gonna do with weth on tezos right now?
I’d love to pay high fees if i made money off it.

Ask yourself, why you gonna do money of it.

DeFi as we see it now, is based on pure hype. I think it can be done better, more serious, with real World effects.

At the moment you shift your Yam to YFI to UNI to Hamburger Coin, just to get a few percent yield. Who pays that yield? The one who shift their money from YAM to YFI to Hamburger Coin.

The “goal” should be, to reach people who don’t know from Hamburger Coin.

Everything is a “closed” system at the moment. Not just from Blockchain view ( Blockchains can’t talk to the outside) but also from an investment point of view. The money shifts around the “Nerds”. No Blockchain is able to capture the “outside”.

We shouldn’t support this circle. It’s not sustainable and you and me know it.
Tezos should do it better.

"Yield farming" doesn’t add ANY value to this space.*
Payzos, Elevated Returns and Harbinger are projects which touch the real world.

*Maybe to your pocket (short-term), but not to the Blockchain space in general


Something like this may make sense down the road. At this point, I would think that most DeFi efforts on Tezos should go into building the necessary primitives to enable DeFi in the first place, and not towards leveraging another chain’s DeFi ecosystem.

As someone who has been part of Ethereum DeFi/ Yield Farming from the very beginning I don’t think this will help XTZ holders at all. Ethereum DeFi primitives won’t build wXTZ into their protocols, so all you will be able to do is hold wXTZ. Why not just hold XTZ instead? If you want wXTZ to be useful on Ethereum you will have to do that yourself, but in that case why not just develop on Tezos?

I understand that the intentions of the StakerDAO team are the best, but I don’t see this as something that is needed right now.


I agree, DEFI is pure hype now but I see it as a first step. just like ICO in 2017 was pure hype but the hype attracts users, developers, liquidity, everything we lack in tezos

I wouldn’t put yam, uni, yfi and hamburger in one line though.
Yfi is a solid project even though its income comes from hype shit atm.
Uni is basically a dividend token for the most usable crypto project Uniswap.
I’m not talking about valuations, that’s a different subject.

I believe yield farming makes sense.
We need liquidity if we want to move trading from CEXes to DEXes
look at uniswap and sushi. sushi introduced rewards for liquidity providing to uniswap and then “vampire attacked” uniswap and moved the liquidity to its own exchange. even though 80% moved to sushiswap, uniswap’s liquidity increased by 100% compared to where it was before the yield farming started. Trade volume on uniswap now is not far away from binance

Harbinger is an oracle, pricefeed itself doesn’t add value yet, but as a tool for stablecoins and lending protocols etc it’s great though :slight_smile:

That is motivation for people to use the network, to pay fees, to trade on dexes and provide liquidity and develop stuff.
Say I made some money from uni drop, now I can develop a tool for ethereum for free


To be continued…

on Reddit https://twitter.com/stakerdao/status/1308098138503344129

Announced via Twitter, after we talked at Agora; i love decentralization.


Well to be fair announcing the AMA is in the first sentence in our proposal :slight_smile:

In general, we are reading all the comments on this thread and are happy to see the engagement and appreciate the feedback. As you guys probably know, the StakerDAO process is based on a governance model where ideas are created within the community and voted on by the council. This is where BLND, wALGOs, wXTZ, StakerBridge and other ideas come from.

Obviously, the StakerDAO community does not equal the Tezos community. There are overlaps and differences. Frankly that’s what makes the DAO model great. People act in what they believe is their best interest and are directly affected by their decisions. Many projects can serve their constituencies without some central authority deciding what can and can’t be done.


Why would you think that? It’s cheaper to move to pchain but no one does that lol.
Wrapped BTC is so popular because it gives people a usecase for their bitcoin other than hodling and a way to make money, I bet all the wrapped btc is locked in defi LP generating rewards.
Even though BTC is considered to be N1 network, ethereum successfully drains its network effect. Imagine the situation being a weaker network wrapped.
But of course Stakerdao can build whatever they want and we have no say in it, they have their own incentives. It’s great they build.


That’s fair. Can you point me to where these ideas are being proposed and first discussed? Thanks!

Largely on our forum: http://forum.stakerdao.com

or on our Telegram: https://t.me/stakercommunity

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just came across a post on the topic and I’d like to share it with you
I don’t mean DEFI is necessarily a bad thing and of course we can’t stop anyone from building whatever they want but we have to be prepared