Announcing Granada

Believe what you want, but to others and myself your logic absolutely makes no sense.

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First of all I want to thank you and @murbard for taking the time to answer me both here and in the new topic I opened.

I completely agree on the huge difference in the liquidity achieved between my idea and the current LB implementation, specifically the current approach would yield up to 80 times more liquidity in a 6 month time frame and up to 40 times more in a 1 year time frame assuming an efficient market and comparing to the yield of baking, but wouldn’t necessarily grow as time continues.

After thinking about it I believe your approach is the best one. Yet, I would like to know your opinion on the following points:

The current LB archieves great liquidity giving a subsidy to private liquidity providers, but what will happen when the subsidy ends?

Personally believe a meaningful fraction will stay in tezos, for the simple reason these market makers already went trough the hassle of KYCing and wrapping the BTC, but might migrate to other contracts with higher fees.

And that brings me to the next point:

It might be a good idea to do LB with different assets pairs for a limited amount of time e.g: 6 months, to jump-start liquidity and then hope it will stay there without further incentives beside defi and fees, (Lugh, kUSD, USDC and wETH come to mind).

This being said I support the current implementation of LB, but I believe the subsidy for a given pool should be temporary.

As always, I would love to know your thoughts about this.

Edits: cleaning and correcting poor phrasing and english :sweat_smile:

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What part it doesn’t make sense or you don’t understand?

Before LB, 100% of the share of the block rewards were rewarded to bakers, of the whole 100%, we could distribute it to delegators with a baker fee chosen by bakers. After LB, we will only be able to distribute 94% share of the block rewards with a custom baker fee, and 6% will be distributed at a forced 0% baker fee (burned). Burning has exactly the same effect as distributing the block reward to delegators at 0% baker fee. People can’t grasp the concept in their minds that burning is basically the most effective way of distribution of block rewards free of charge at 0% baker fee, but is the truth.

It really does not. Bakers get the same amount, anything extra is inflation and so if you want to neutralize it, the appropriate measure is a burn. Expressing it as a percentage of block rewards doesn’t change that fact, it only obscures what is very simple accounting. Your math doesn’t add up.


There is no anything “extra”, is not diluting. Net inflation would still be 0. The extra minted TEZ would still be distributed to the pockets of bakers and delegators. There will be more supply, but more coins into the pockets of the participants. Dilution of value would still be 0. But Bakers would regain the ability of choosing a baker fee to the 100% block rewards, and not to the 94% only.

Imagine two proposals:

A. Create an extra 1,000,000 tez per block, which are immediately burned.
B. Create an extra 1,000,000 tez per block, which are immediately sent to the baker.

The first proposal literally does nothing, the second one increases block rewards by a factor of 12500x.

Which one is neutral? The first one, obviously. But by your flawed logic the second one would be the neutral one.


If there is 1,000,000 TEZ of circulating supply at 1$ market value at the hands of the participants, and we print an additional 1,000,000 TEZ, and rewarded back to the participants, the market value of TEZ may decrease, but they are compensated with more coins. At the end, that “inflation” was not diluting for the participants.

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But that’s not neutral, because it affects the agreement between bakers and delegators regarding how rewards should be split, whereas the other one is neutral.

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Both are diluting inflation neutral, but B) allows the baker to choose a baking fee for the 1,000,000 minted TEZ.

What you mean it affects the agreement between bakers and delegators? The voluntary agreement is the baker fee! If you burn it, you affect that agreement, you force bakers to distribute it with 0% baking fee.

I allow you to take 95% of these freshly minted 2.5 tez per block as a baker fee

You operate under the assumption that all inflation that doesn’t go to bakers is taken from them. There is no reason to think that. Inflation is taken from token holders. The reason bakers receive a reward is to help secure the network, that’s also something paid for by token holders. The fraction of the reward that bakers typically keep for themselves is related to the cost of capital and operations that they incur, not to the total amount of the block reward.


I think the most likely scenario is that this will end up being quite popular and extended by further protocol amendments, but if it ended I think the liquidity would migrate out over a period of months, not hours.

There’s no reason to believe that the people minting tzBTC and the LP are going to be the same people. They might be, but it’s also likely that LP simply buy into their position by purchasing tzBTC on chain and that minting of tzBTC is done by arbitrageurs.

It could but I would like to emphasize as hard as I possibly can that bootstrapping liquidity in an asset pair is NOT the purpose of liquidity baking. That may be a value prop, but it is a vastly less compelling one. LB is not about helping DeFi.


All I know, is that there are new minting of TEZ, that is not passing through the baker fee filter. And if they were passing through the baker fee filter, incentives of bakers would increase. Whether you believe that it will increase or decrease the baker incentives, that’s up to you.

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You don’t have to directly increase bakers’ incentives with every proposal
However it’s beneficial for bakers because it would be easier to buy/sell their bond once LB is live

If that were true, then why not raise the baker reward a billion times?

The inventive of bakers comes from the security deposit, not so much for rewards which are competed away and end up paid to delegators.

The reason the baking reward is what it is, about 5% of supply a year, as opposed to 0.5% or 50%, is to balance two things

  1. one the one hand, even if the cost of capital is huge, it should still profitable to validate blocks. If a baker decides to keep 100% of their baking rewards and pay out next to nothing to their delegators, they can currently receive around 60% a year.

If somehow the necessary payout to attract bakers were over 60% a year on their bond, the system wouldn’t function. Thankfully, it’s a very high ceiling.

  1. on the other hand, you want the rewards to be as low as possible because it otherwise creates inefficiencies, such as potentially disadvantageous tax treatment.

Given that bakers currently return nearly 90% of the rewards to delegators, this tells up that the ceiling is about 10x higher than it currently needs to be.


You don’t have to decrease them, either. A new proposal with the gathering of TEZ from the trader fee, going back to bakers, will not increase them, it would maintain the status quo of bakers incentives intact. (If the trader fee gathers enough TEZ vs what it was printed).

it’s not decreased, you still get 40 tez which is 100% of rewards for baking a block
2.5 tez is not a reward for producing a block,
if trading fees went to bakers that would be an increase


It is a decrease, the new printed TEZ is not passing through the baker fee filter. Where before, 100% of the minted TEZ were passing through the baker fee filter.

If the trading fees were given back to bakers, supposing the trading fees gathers the totality of the TEZ that it was printed (which did not pass through the baker fee filter) bakers would get back the 100% control of the new minted supply (as they had control before LB) from which they can apply the baking fee. The trading fees doesn’t add bakers more incentives when there was equally the same amount printed. Unless trading fees gathers more than what it was printed. It just maintains the status quo.

And yet you are again claiming that BitcoinSuisse is the issuer in a new thread.

I support the idea of competing proposals, I support a healthy debate, but it is disappointing to see you resort to lying, whatever your objective might be.