Announcing Oxford 2 Tezos Protocol Proposal AMA

We invite you to participate in an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session focusing on the features & changes included in the Oxford 2 protocol proposal – which is currently undergoing Tezos’ on-chain governance process.

As a reminder, the key contributions of Oxford 2 are:

  • Refinements of Tezos PoS: new slashing rules and a novel automated auto-staking mechanism for bakers.
  • New design and implementation of Timelocks, that were temporarily deactivated in a previous protocol upgrade.
  • Introduction of “private” Smart Rollups, allowing developers to choose between permissionned or permissionless deployments.

Ask your questions in the comments section below before January 11th EOD.

Nomadic Labs and Trilitech engineering teams will respond asynchronously throughout the upcoming week.


What are the plans for adaptive inflation vis-a-vis future upgrades?

I like that it incentivizes long-term hodling and implicitly shifts power from large exchanges (which presumably wouldn’t lock their funds for the additional rewards).
I expect this would be good for the price and good for bakers as it would reduce selling pressure.

But, I also understand it was unpopular because it would have reduced nominal staking rewards, which bakers value.
So, why not keep nominal staking rewards high, at least for the bakers that make long-term fund commitments?
It doesn’t matter from a real monetary perspective, and the tax implications can be avoided by using Ctez.

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No questions on Oxford 2 protocol proposal this time, but we’re already gearing up for upcoming discussions on feature proposals and developments! Stay tuned for more in-depth AMA sessions and community calls.

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"Oxford 2 introduces a new complementary feature for Smart Rollups: the ability to deploy private rollups. They allow for defining a whitelist of allowed rollup operators, which is maintained by the rollup kernel and enforced by the Tezos protocol.

Note that this new feature does not affect the existing permissionless approach — which will continue to be the default rollup behavior. It is rather a complementary choice for operators, broadening the spectrum of potential adopters of Tezos Layer 2 solutions.

Indeed, this feature was developed in response to requests by potential adopters of Tezos Smart Rollups, whose data privacy needs are incompatible with permissionless fraud proofs, typically where user data cannot be shared openly. By restricting the participation in refutation games to whitelisted operators, private rollups prevent potentially sensitive data from being leaked in the generation of fraud proofs."

Does private smart rollups uses aPlonk from the Epoxy rollup R&D? Are they linked to the hybrid solution you talked about earlier? Thank you!

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