Batcher - Bots, bots, bots!

By Jason Ridgway-Taylor

Batcher stands out amongst DEXs due to its batch clearing method, but this uniqueness can also cause some friction with traders who are used to traditional ‘live’ DEXs.

The batches that give Batcher its name are ten-minute windows, within which traders on either side of the trade can deposit a swap order in the expectation that sufficient volume will be deposited on the other side so that the order can be filled. The timing of finding volume for your trade can be problematic in periods of low activity.

With this in mind, Marigold has built new bots to alleviate this friction and make transitioning to using Batcher easier. The first is a notification bot to post to Telegram when trades are made. The second is a bot that can supply liquidity into Batcher automatically based on some rules.

Telegram Notification Bot

The telegram bot runs as part of the Marigold infrastructure, listens to the Batcher contract, and sends notifications to Telegram upon deposits and batch state changes.

The deposit notifications will supply helpful information regarding deposits made into Batcher.

  • The batch number
  • The trading pair
  • The side the trade was made on
  • The tolerance level
  • The amount of the deposit

Batch Status Updates

Batch status updates are posted to Telegram upon changes to the batch state when the volume in the batch is non-zero.

  • The batch number
  • The trading pair
  • The batch state (open → closed → cleared)
  • The buy and sell volume within the given batch

Telegram Channels

The notifications are made to the following channels:

If you want to read the full blog post, please visit Marigold website :point_right: Batcher - Bots, bots, bots!