Ctez: a synthetic tez backed by tez for better composability as an alternative to the virtual baker

Cool, you can dm me here or ask in this thread directly if you want any help

There are three parts to this:

  1. the main contract, based on a FA2 or FA1.2 template
  2. a CPMM (which you can write or port from Dexter or Quipuswap)
  3. the vaults contract

The main contract is a factory for the vault contracts.

The CPMM calls the main contract at most once per block, upon the first transaction it receives in this block, and using the implied rate it had as of the last transaction before this block. You do this by storing a flag telling you whether or not you’ve been called in this block and the last rate for the current block.

All interaction with vaults happens through the main contract which keeps track of the state of every vault. You may be able to make some interactions happen directly between the owner and their vaults (e.g. changing the delegate) but start by routing everything through the main contract, and once you’re there, it’ll be easier to see what can be made into a direct interaction instead.

You’ll want to keep the math for the target in fixed point arithmetic.

In a liquidation scenario, you basically let anyone burn ctez any amount of ctez for 1.01 times the target factor times the amount of ctez in tez, up to the full balalance of the vault. You don’t let vaults issue ctez if they don’t have enough tez, etc.


Great. I will reach out.

So I ended up with this. Still untested, unaudited, unverified, and no frontend but, in principle, feature complete.


excellent! even though it may not be the intended purpose, i believe this will also function as a way for a vault holder to decide when delegation payments are distributed rather than being decided by when the baker pays out

I think the point is that there won’t really be delegation payments. The natural issuer of ctez is a baker.

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There’s a demo on edo2net for anyone interested in playing with it. It’s a bit rough around the edges, the point being to have something simpler than the command line to try it out.


If you have suggestions Issues · murbard/ctez · GitHub


Where can I find more information on how this works? Can someone explain the drift formula in more detail?
target[t+dt] = target[t] exp[drift[t] * dt]

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Im trying to play around with this on Florencenet… I’m able to create an oven but failed to mint ctez. Note I dont know how it chose florencenet, but the oven is here KT19n2kg..phfhWC on florencenet.tzkt.io

What prevents me from capturing all staking rights?

Guys, I don’t know where to ask this question, but I created an oven a couple of days ago with 16k XTZ. I added another 12k XTZ. I delegated to my own personal baker. I minted around 99% of the XTZ as cTEZ and bought PLENTY and added to Farms, staked some xPLENTY, etc… Today I just opened ctez.app and around 21000XTZ are gone from my oven. Where did the XTZ go? What the fuck did just happen there?

This is the smart contract of the oven TzStats - Tezos Block Explorer by Blockwatch

Hi, your oven’s been liquidated Operation oo4H47..J29K on tzkt.io

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CTEZ = XTZ - vote rights

more precisely, ctez = xtz - delegation rights + expected delegation rewards, compounded

Although at the moment, and for probably no particularly good reason, there’s much more demand for minting ctez than for holding ctez, so ctez holders get about twice the delegation rewards

Could not the voting rights be returned ( in a way ) via some kind of DAO hosting the ctez oven. Where the DAO voted according to the wishes of a predefined quorum of it’s ctez holders.

The whole point of ctez is to avoid the governance mess associated with delegation of pooled tez. The voting rights don’t disappear, ctez ovens are delegated.


From : ctez

Q1 : It is said : “By adding liquidity you’ll earn 0.05% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool.”
How can I get this reward ?
Is it a global reward of the pool ? But when i convert back the LQ tokens to XTZ and CTez, is it including the reward too or not ? How can I see the formula of it to verify it ?

Q2 : When I get some LQ tokens from the Liquidity pool, what happens to my XTZ on it and its delegation ? Who get my delegation rewards out of it ? As XTZ are deflationist, it means that user is losing some inflation value here. But on the other way, Ctez are stable and the XTZ/CTEZ pair is growing on the opposite way, right ?

hi @murbard,

I was wondering, if there is the risk of short term, price/oracle manipulation. (not unlike the mangomarkets “hack”)

For example, is it possible to take advantage of the low liquidity in the tez/ctez pool in order to inflate the ctez value → mint ctez for free (or very very cheap) → drain different ctez AMM Pools.

Could someone potentially look at making a sapling contract for ctez (or far any FA token really)? Ctez would be neat to avoid having to deal with baking rewards of the tez shielded pool!

The ghostnet contract for tez is here Better Call Dev — Tezos smart contract explorer by Baking Bad

As far as I know the same contract is on mainnet according to the announcement - https://twitter.com/Crypt0nio/status/1606972990021070848

Also for ctez sapling see gitlab request

Perfect, I did not know about the request :slight_smile: