Our Factori DApps development tool for #Tezos is evolving rapidly!
Discover our freshly published tutorial that shows how to generate #OCaml SDKs and write test scenarios for your #Tezos/Michelson smart contracts. The tutorial contains two examples written in OCaml and compiled to Michelson after a transpilation to #ligo with our Mligo preprocessor.
Note also that:
- Factori works on the Michelson level. Using OCaml to write smart contracts in the tutorial is just for demonstration: if you change the interface of your smart contract, the SDK can be re-generated for free. Of course, one can use any high-level language that compiles to Michelson, such as Ligo, Archetype, or SmartPy,
- Factori also enables generating SDKs and writing scenarios in typescript language.