Faster, Higher, Stronger: introducing the Paris protocol upgrade proposals!

This is a joint post from Nomadic Labs, Marigold, TriliTech, & Functori.

Following the successful activation of the Oxford 2 protocol on February 9th, we are pleased to announce that the Paris protocol proposals, Paris A and Paris B, are ready!

As usual their "true names” are given by their hash: PtParisA6ruu136piHaBC7cQLDP87JEqtczJWP2pLa5QCELGBH5 for Paris A and, respectively, PtParisBQscdCm6Cfow6ndeU6wKJyA3aV1j4D3gQBQMsTQyJCrz for Paris B.

Either proposal, if adopted, would bring the following major updates and improvements to the Tezos protocol, notably:

The two proposals differ regarding Adaptive Issuance, Staking, and Adaptive Slashing, a major overhaul of the fundamentals of Proof-of-Stake in Tezos:

  • Paris B includes Adaptive Issuance, Staking, and Adaptive Slashing. That is, these features would be immediately enabled upon protocol activation.

  • Paris A does not include these features. It offers bakers instead the possibility to vote for activating them later, via a dedicated on-chain signaling mechanism.

Both proposals also include further minor improvements and other changes. A complete list of changes is provided in the Changelog.

See our blog post for a more extensive description of the proposal contents:


I am currently reading about tenderbake, and I see you have made a lot of improvement which enables to decrease the block time to 10s in this future protocol update.
My understanding is that the blocktime duration is the used to configure the duration of the first round of tindermint protocol, is it correct?
How do you incentive bakers to reach consensus on the first round, and not to take too much time to select transactions to build a better block?
Also, liveness is guaranteed only when 2/3 of the bakers involved in the tendermint instance are actively and honestly participating. Do you have a process to recover from a malicious (or just faulty) subcommittee driving the tierdermint instance?

Thanks in advance for your answer, and congrats for your work!

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