Faster, Higher, Stronger: introducing the Paris protocol upgrade proposals!

This is a joint post from Nomadic Labs, Marigold, TriliTech, & Functori.

Following the successful activation of the Oxford 2 protocol on February 9th, we are pleased to announce that the Paris protocol proposals, Paris A and Paris B, are ready!

As usual their "true names” are given by their hash: PtParisA6ruu136piHaBC7cQLDP87JEqtczJWP2pLa5QCELGBH5 for Paris A and, respectively, PtParisBQscdCm6Cfow6ndeU6wKJyA3aV1j4D3gQBQMsTQyJCrz for Paris B.

Either proposal, if adopted, would bring the following major updates and improvements to the Tezos protocol, notably:

The two proposals differ regarding Adaptive Issuance, Staking, and Adaptive Slashing, a major overhaul of the fundamentals of Proof-of-Stake in Tezos:

  • Paris B includes Adaptive Issuance, Staking, and Adaptive Slashing. That is, these features would be immediately enabled upon protocol activation.

  • Paris A does not include these features. It offers bakers instead the possibility to vote for activating them later, via a dedicated on-chain signaling mechanism.

Both proposals also include further minor improvements and other changes. A complete list of changes is provided in the Changelog.

See our blog post for a more extensive description of the proposal contents: