Granada, LB removed (PtGRENLBg)

Description for PtGRENLBg will be added by a moderator

Proposal archive

What’s this one about??

Ahh it’s Granada No Liquidity Baking.

I don’t know how to contact a moderator.

This proposals is PtGRANAD in which “liquidity baking” feature has been removed.

Concretely, on top of PtGRANAD code, have been reverted: tezos/tezos!3001, 22a933c6b1822b875659f0ed1fa7dd1cb69267a7, tezos/tezos!2765, tezos/tezos!2946, tezos/tezos!2932, tezos/tezos!2929, tezos/tezos!2920 and tezos/tezos!2897. Finally, a new vanity nonce has been added to get a decent hash prefix.

Code is online (in lib_protocol for the protocol code itself). The CI passes and there is a docker image (docker pull containing the protocol to play with (especially launch a test network…).

The testnet for this proposal is now available.

You can join it with tezos v9.2:

tezos-node config init --network
tezos-node run

Just like granadanet, it will run florence for 2 cycles and upgrade to GRENLBg at block 4095.

Faucet for this testnet is at

All details are in