Is there a repository of vetted contracts - something similar to OpenZeppelin?

Hey, I believe I read somewhere here on Agora about it an update but cant find it now. Is there a repository of vetted contracts, something similar to OpenZeppelin on Eth? Not 100% if posting in the right section though.

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Seems ripe for a section in Not sure who runs the site but perhaps they could create a subsection under “Build a Dapp” that has links to all the open source repos from various projects.

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I guess something along those lines will be coming after this update:

Global Table of Constants

The global table of constants can be used by smart contract developers to register Michelson expressions as “constants” and reference them in contracts. This allows developers to create larger and more complex contracts than they otherwise could. It will also serve as the foundation for smart contracts libraries in Tezos.


oh damn this sounds great! thanks for the hint I somehow missed that