New version of the mainnet branch has been released with the addition of Carthage

A new version of the mainnet branch has been released with the addition of Carthage. Upgrading to this new version will allow your node to have the protocol ready if the current vote passes and the testchain is activated in 8 days, instead of your node having to download it.

If you plan to bake on the testchain, start your node with --enable-testchain and run the Carthage baker with --chain test alongside your current Babylon baker.

Additionally, this new version:

  • adds efficiency improvements to the new storage backend to prevent some freezes;
  • restores the possibility to use both a key hash or a key alias with the submit proposal and submit ballot commands;
  • prevents running on 32bit architectures because the protocol actually does not support them and running on such an architecture could cause wrong block hashes to be computed.

The commit hash of this new version is 28309c81cc485467f22fb55e96e89302e1f2cd8a .


Anyone who has not updated their node for a while should be prepared for the extra downtime needed to convert node storage to the new irmin2 format. [per @etomknudsen on riot]

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