Octez v17.0 has been released

Octez version 17.0 has just been released.

This version includes Nairobi, the current protocol proposal for Mainnet, and its associated executables.

As a reminder, version 17.0 includes:

  • A new version (V9) of the protocol environment, which is the set of functions that protocols can call, and it is required by Nairobi – a protocol upgrade proposal currently undergoing on-chain governance.
  • Improvements to Smart Rollups executables
  • Refinements to the Octez node logging infrastructure.

This new version of the protocol environment makes v17.0 the minimal released version of Octez which is compatible with Nairobi. If the latter protocol is accepted by the community in the current Promotion period, it will be expected to activate on Mainnet around June 23rd. Thus we strongly advise bakers and node operators to upgrade to this new version of Octez with sufficient time.

We also recommend test network participants to upgrade to v17.0 as well. In particular, we remind Ghostnet participants that this test network will upgrade to Nairobi earlier, at the end of cycle 624 (before block #2,957,313) on Wed, June 14th.

A full Changelog and update instructions are available in the version 17 release page:


The Git tag for this release is v17.0 and the corresponding commit hash is 7821dc31b1eea97c55bbf100ea4eb9d45010e77b.