Octez v19.0 has been released!

:mega: Octez v19.0 has just been released :tada:

This new major version is the first version compatible with Oxford 2, a revisited protocol upgrade proposal for the successor of Nairobi on Tezos Mainnet, currently undergoing the on-chain governance process.

If Oxford 2 is accepted by the community, please remember to upgrade your infrastructure to Octez v19 with sufficient time before its eventual activation around February 9th.

Octez v19 introduces a few improvements in Smart Rollups infrastructure:

  • The rollup node becomes protocol-agonistic: a single executable can be used with any Tezos protocol. The old, protocol-dependent, executables have been kept as symbolic links, but will be removed in a future version.
  • A new history-mode option for the rollup node with garbage collection support:
    • The full mode enables garbage collection of rollup data;
    • Whereas the default archive has garbage collection disabled, preserving previous behavior.
  • The rollup client is discontinued: all its functionality can be replaced with equivalent RPC calls.

Octez v19.0 also includes the code of the Oxford 2 protocol proposal itself and its associated executables.

:open_book: A full Changelog and update instructions are available in the version 19 release page:

:placard: The Git tag for this release is v19.0 and the corresponding commit hash is 10b119feab01be49e1c38ff61469d3e1f8480a6e.