Octez v19.1 has just been released

:mega: A new minor version for Octez, v19.1, has just been released!

This release is of special interest for public RPC node operators (and similar public-facing infra), and also to Smart Rollups node operators.

Following a recent security alert for operators of public-facing infrastructure, v19.1 hardens the default ACL endpoint whitelist which is enforced when starting an RPC server. The release also introduces a configurable limit to the number of active RPC connections per server using --max-active-rpc-connections – set to 100 by default.

:warning: Smart Rollup node operators should note that, if your rollup node is running on a remote machine or a different network interface than the Octez node, v19.1 will require changing the node configuration to allow the rollup node to make calls to specific RPC endpoints. You can find more details on the rollup node documentation page.

In addition, the Octez v19.1 node now shuts down the node gracefully when hitting an “unknown key” error raised by Irmin. This prevents the node from running indefinitely in a degraded state.

:zap: v19.1 also fixes a critical bug for Octez Smart Rollup nodes running in the full history-mode, which could lead to data loss when Layer 2 chain reorganizations happen while a GC is running. With the new release, the full history mode can now be used safely.

:open_book: A full Changelog and update instructions are available in the version 19 release page.

:placard: The Git tag for this release is v19.1 and the corresponding commit hash is dd3a30f89106383821fa6392e789fbd5ba886470.

NB As a reminder, the activation of the Oxford 2 protocol is schedule for this Friday, February 9th around noon UTC – just before #5,070,849. We remind all operators that v19.0 is the minimal version of Octez compatible with Oxford 2. Tezos bakers, please ensure both v19.x Nairobi and Oxford 2 bakers, octez-baker-PtNairobi and octez-baker-Proxford, are up and running around the expected activation time.