Open external links in a new tab by default

Agora opens links in the same window as Agora. Would be cool to let Agora open another Tab for clicked links, especially for AMAs.

If I understand your request correctly, you’re suggesting that links included in topics/posts on the Agora Forum should open in a new tab by default, right?

There is indeed a forum setting that we can enable to open external links in a new tab by default. You can also enable it for yourself by going to the Interface tab in your user preferences.

Personally, I tend to use keyboard shortcuts when I want to open a link in a new tab. For example, on macOS you just have to press the cmd key while clicking on the link. And on Windows and Linux, you can do the same thing by pressing the ctrl key while clicking on the link.

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Thx. Problem solved for me :slight_smile:

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