New DAO Smart Contract: Summary and Specifications
Ticker: SEB
Name: DAO V4
Welcome to the 4th iteration of The XTZ Baker DAO. My name is Sebuh Honarchian. I am the founder of this endeavor. I started this DAO for the purpose of gaining hands-on experience with operating a DAO on Tezos. The main spark of inspiration for the DAOs creation was the Governance process of Tezos Protocol Upgrade procedure. I wanted to include all of the Delegators in the Voting and Proposing cycles of the Protocol amendment process. By creating a DAO proposal to determine how the Tezos baker will participate in the amendment process of the protocol. Since that time of genesis the DAO we see it has evolved into more things. We now have a NFT Museum that has contributions from many DAO members. The DAO also received funding by Tezos Baking rewards collected for about 6 months. I am committed to continue keeping up with my projects in Tezos and creating a Platform where Artists can get noticed off the beaten trail.
Administrator: tz1R664EP6wjcM1RSUVJ7nrJisTpBW9QyJzP
Sebuh Honarchian
Guardian: tz1eeq85Mq5Ypi19RsCWgc3QtzHKE4NnkjKR
Dennis Klicker
Governance Token Address: KT1981tPmXh4KrUQKZpQKb55kREX7QGJcF3E
Governance Token ID: 0
DAO Treasury Address: KT1KUF5PQYJhUXQoHfNaGYekBGabmLtjQ9ks
Voting Period Duration: 4096 blocks
Flush Delay Duration: 2048 blocks
Proposal blocks to expire: 8192 blocks
Stake required to propose: 1000 locked tokens
Stake returned if rejected: 100% of locked tokens returned.
Initial Quorum threshold: 11%
Quorum Change: 1%
Quorum Max Change: 2%
Quorum Min. Amount: 10%
Quorum Max. Amount: 50%
All assets from SEBDAO V3.1 will now be transferred to the new DAO contract.
If you are a member of SEBDAO V3.1 or Please Withdraw your SEB tokens from the older contracts and Migrate to the New Contract.
Once all transfers to the NEW SEB DAO contract have been completed the next phase of progress will start.