
Teznet is a community for the total decentralization of tezos, this topic is to talk about the proposals of the community DAO of TezNet

Hostinger as official hosting

To maintain decentralization it is very important to have everything listed in the registry, we have actually already contracted the hosting and this proposal is a bit stupid but I think it is important that the members of the dao decide after the expiration of this which will be the new hosting that the dao will contract with the appropriate donations, that is why I publish this proposal, if it is not approved, I ask that another propose another hosting and it will be our hosting once it expires, the current hosting is hostinger in the Wordpress Hosting Starter plan, this hosting is the official hosting of our blog and it is very important that this is the registration

Borja Velasco as TezNetSP Director

Hello, I am Borja Velasco, founder of this dao, I introduce myself to director of TeznetSP with the following functions:
  1. Appoint the editors and editors of this page
  2. Manage the matrix community of this regional variant of Teznet by appointing moderators
  3. Manage the website on behalf of the dao