Tezos Cameroon for Tezos ecosystem DAO

Name: Tezos Cameroun
Email: Tezoscameroon@gmail.com,ekonokevin@gmail.com
Geo location: Africa - Cameroon
Company or individual? Company (tezos cameroon)
Company website: https://twitter.com/TezosCameroun
Name of project: baking in Africa, local community
Detailed description: we have our baker in cameroon but we are not able to cover de monthly bills , internet is very expensive,and the person who are in charge can not follow up and maintain the baker active. we want fund to maintain the tezos cameroon baker active and continous to develop tezos in cameroon
Experience: more than 2 years of baking experience and also as chapter lead
Social handle: https://twitter.com/TezosCameroun
Funding amount: 1000 tez /month so 12000 Tez/year
Address to be funded:
Proposed goals: maintain the tezos cameroon’s Baker active and organise at one event every month

  1. Internet is not that expensive. I see unlimited internet packages in Cameroon for $24 per month. What exactly would the 1k tez per month be meant for?

  2. Your baker history is not exactly great, half of the time you were missing blocks/endorsements. What do you do with rewards? Why should the community pay for your baker? Many people want their bakers to be funded, but it needs to benefit the community somehow.


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Pricing there is not like pricing in the West (where it’s flat and you can presume the basic access is all you need). The low tier pricing you find is spotty, has outrageous data caps, or is even just off for large parts of the day. This was an issue I was able to see with a number of sub-Saharan African community bakers missing blocks for no other reason than this.

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We need bakers everywhere, and helping those who struggle to bake sounds in line with the decentralization principle of Tezos.
Tezos Cameroon has a stake of roughly 1780 tez, plus roughly 1000 XTZ delegated. It would sound fair to grant 3500 XTZ in order to make this baker able to operate again : 1780 + 1000 + 3500 = 6280, so a bit more than the roll that is needed. However, the baker’s stake used to be higher until cycle 605, and so was the delegation (total was around 6K~6.5K at that time: Tezos Cameroon on tzkt.io). Funds were then transferred small amount by small amount to an account transferring them to Binance (tz1UewBb..tpVwws on tzkt.io). There is certainly a valid reason, we are not suggesting anything here, but explaining would be useful for the readers to better understand.
Regarding the data plan, we have no idea of what could be needed. At first glance the requested 1K XTZ a month look huge, but Starlink does not cover Cameroon yet, so this remains to be argued by anyone with precise information on the matter.
Lastly, Tezos Cameroon says this funding would help covering costs needed to develop Tezos in Cameroon. It would be very intersting to elaborate further on this. Internet is one thing, promoting is another, and it actually has a cost.


We need bakers everywhere, and helping those who struggle to bake sounds in line with the decentralization principle of Tezos.

100%!! Also one of the benefits of on-chain governance (in that we do not need hard forks since contentions are resolved on chain — keeping our ecosystem united and growing) is that we can have local chapters all round the world in localities where other L1 can’t or won’t because of their fragmentable nature.

It’s likewise good for the Tezos global ecosystem to genuinely demonstrate that we have bakers and communities in parts of the world that most other L1s are either unwilling or unable to extend their reach.

Tezos Cameroon, like other Tezos Africa communities) was reliant on Tezos Africa Foundation’s grant funding (which was distributed to each of them, respectively) for basic utilities that the rest of us take for granted. That’s also the reason why if you look at each of these communities you can see a lot of activity/meetups over the years that suddenly quieted down at the beginning of the year.

As for the staking requirement, that can now be provided because there are enough funds from the kuoka.org project to keep their baker up permanently, but they need utilities covered, as they requested. Hence, the grant application doesn’t say that the funds would be to meet their staking requirement.

Regarding the data plan, we have no idea of what could be needed. At first glance the requested 1K XTZ a month look huge, but Starlink does not cover Cameroon yet, so this remains to be argued by anyone with precise information on the matter.Lastly, Tezos Cameroon says this funding would help covering costs needed to develop Tezos in Cameroon. It would be very intersting to elaborate further on this. Internet is one thing, promoting is another, and it actually has a cost.

The 1k/mo request doesn’t specify that it’s for internet alone, so it’s ostensibly an all-encompassing request for Tezos Cameroon that would include meetups/workshops/projects and other utilities.

I agree it would be great to hear from them about other plans and projected expenses.


Thanks for clarifying! We didn’t know about Kuoka (that’s great!) and, probably because of the baker’s balance, we misunderstood at first reading.

(About the deleted message above: its content was exactly the same as this post. Chair/keyboard interface error, sorry.)


I bought my tez and I invested them to have a baker but for a while it is very difficult I have to withdraw to pay charges that I added in particular the optical fiber because of the baker. in addition this activity is no longer profitable, we do it to participate in the community.

I organized more than 35 events in my country and 2 tezos hackathon, I trained several talents on the blockchain during my bootcamp today a person is a blockchain developer in Ejara.
we have negotiated coorporate baker. in Cameroon, Tez is the 2nd most purchased crypto on Ejara. because I made a campaign in the 10 regions of my country all this in 1 year


I’m disappointed with how the ecosystem evaluates people globally. does that mean if someone does well they are abandoned because the others have not achieved the objectives of the grant?
I’m no longer able to spend all my savings on a cause when people don’t want to recognize your value.
we were honest, honest and hardworking.

we have had big dreams for the future of tezos in cameroon. but alas we were not given the opportunity to go to the end. despite our good kpis


If you have this feeling, this means we do not do great. Sorry about that for our part.
Questions we ask do not mean we think you do bad or anything special. It is just that all explanations and all transparency are needed for people to understand what it is about, how it works, what was the history, etc. Justifying is never plesant though, and we should probably do better in explaining why this is needed and useful, and ask our questions a more friendly way.
Anyway, La Boulange supports your application. We have no specific power or anything, but we think we we owe you this explanation.


Appreciate your kind submission on my fellow African brother from Cameroon

Kukao project is going to be the game changer for all struggling Baking nodes in Africa. Having a dedicated XTZ to the nodes would solve the recurring undelegation of XTZ on the nodes. We are can’t for it to come on stream. The cost of getting uninterrupted internet connection is to be considered

What value are you talking about? The last time your twitter account has tweeted was in February and it is now September. Last time I checked Tweeting was still free. You also talk about this Ejara App. When was the last time that they have talked about Tezos? Just looking at social media alone, it speaks volumes.