Tezos Community Update -- February

The Tezos Ecosystem is off to great start in the new year, Quorum has officially been reached for EDO!

The EDO proposal has three key features that will be implemented on Tezos:

  • Sapling, originally developed by the Electric Coin Company, will be integrated to enable privacy-preserving transactions on Tezos. With recent improvements, the time needed for crafting and verifying transactions using Sapling have reached practical levels suitable for any end-user. Coupled with this is the addition of Michelson opcodes for the pairing-friendly elliptic curve BLS12–381.
  • Tickets provide a mechanism for smart-contract to grant portable permissions to other smart-contracts, or to issue tokens. This enables new kinds of composable contract architectures and aims to guard against common smart contract vulnerabilities.
  • A new fifth period called “Adoption” is a means to improve governance on Tezos by providing an additional window for bakers, indexers, and end-users to upgrade their nodes once a protocol upgrade goes live.
