Tezos Homebase Section?

Would it make sense to have a specific section on the Tezos Agora forums for posting threads to go along with proposals made on Tezos Homebase? It’s a really nice feature and makes looking at and reading proposals that much more enjoyable. I think a dedicated forum or sub-forum for these types of threads would be nice and not clog things up for people who aren’t interested in that.

I wasn’t sure where to post this but community updates felt appropriate.


What do you mean by “proposals made on Tezos Homebase?”

Do you mean the proposed changes to the codebase of Homebase, the repo. Or suggested features?

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I think @klick means the proposals for DAOs operating using homebase.

I would say it’s better if there is a homebase forum, with specific channel/section for each DAO, there are some examples of forums in tezos


or also madfish, crunchy, kolibri have forums!

Its a very good idea for off chain agreement indeed!


I have talked to homebase developer team about creating a discourse specifically for DAOs operating on Homebase. But currently linking “agora” to the DAO proposal is what is being used.

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