TezosNotifier Telegram Bot updates

TezosNotifierBot - https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot - first Telegram Bot for Tezos Blockchain!
With Tezos Notifier Bot you can simply monitor various events in Tezos blockchain, like transactions, delegations, missing block endorsing, double baking, etc.

The bot provides a huge number of functions: not only transaction notifications, but also delegation, skipping passes, calculation of performance, voting and many, many more functions!
Full description: https://tzsnt.fr/about

To start the Bot simply open https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot in your Telegram app, click “New address” and send to the bot an address for monitoring and its name (like tz1XuPMB8X28jSoy7cEsXok5UVR5mfhvZLNf Arthur): it can be your TZ or KT address (to monitor transactions and balance), delegates address (to monitor baking and problems in work) or the address of the exchange. Or simply do nothing and you will be notified about :whale2: whale transactions, which you can disable or configure using :gear: Settings button

In this thread we will post updates & news about our bot.

— Start the Bot: https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot
— Twitter: https://twitter.com/TezosNotifier
— Medium: https://medium.com/@tezosnotifier
— Github: https://github.com/tnb-dev/TezosNotifierBot
— Web: https://tzsnt.fr/

Donate XTZ to support us: tz1g5jJc6MWdmmUXdp5eb1KTj8TTU5U74cry


May 28 update.

We just released a huge update of our bot https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot!

What’s new:
— experimental feature we have developed a new data caching mechanism to speed up the sending of notifications.
— double-endorsing notification added. Let’s hope no one sees it.
— the calculation of delegate’s free space has been remastered — now we consider the free space ourselves and correctly.
— the number of rolls is now displayed in the delegate’s info.
— the text of the notification about baking with priority > 0 has been improved — now the amount of the additional award received by the delegate is indicated in the message.
— The texts of notifications about missing baking and endorsing has been improved — now the amount of profit lost by the delegate is indicated in the message.
— another very great functionality, which we will announce a little later.
— … and other minor improves and fixes.

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June 4 update.

And so fast we are releasing yet another bot update https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot, which we made at the request of our community! :green_heart:

In short, now you can set the delegation amount threshold in the new revised menu settings of delegate address!

More about the update:
— the message with address information has been revised.
— an address card has been developed with detailed information about the address settings and the possibility of convenient and quick management
— added ability to set delegation amount threshold
— added ability to rename address

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New update of our https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot: notification of :new_moon_with_face: closed delegates and their delegators!

We, the TezosNotifierBot team, know that the problem with closed delegates and their delegators is causing serious damage to the Tezos ecosystem. Therefore we’ve developed great feature that enables us to send notifications to delegate’s subscribes and their delegators for healthy #Tezos network growth.

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Great update of Tezos Notifier Bot:

  • Twitter bot https://twitter.com/NotifierTezos has been developed! Now you can follow the main events on the Tezos blockchain using Twitter. Don’t forget to subscribe!
  • added a new button Donate in the Settings menu. Now it’s even easier to find our donation address


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TezosNotifier Team released an annual report https://medium.com/@tezosnotifier/tezos-notifier-2020-annual-report-e2e04289bc7e?sk=800420786f7d8db2772073e7536c3110. In the article you can learn about the development and statistics of https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot


Together with the Delphi proposal, TezosNotifier team is announcing a big update!
Now bot subscribers will receive notifications about all voting phases and delegate votes​:raising_hand_man::no_good_man::ok_man:!
You can turn off notifications in the :gear: Settings menu.

Follow Delphi along with https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot :green_heart:


We added integration with http://tzkt.io/ to get the public addresses names, and also accelerated the work of the bot - check out the speed of loading the address list at https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot

More awesome news coming soon!

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Great update of the bot https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot:

  • :rocket: Refactoring, optimization … a lot of optimization;
  • :fox_face: Monitoring of Tezos software updates;
  • :man_cook:t3: A New Year’s gift for the entire community of bakers.

Read more in the article: https://tezosnotifier.medium.com/tezosnotifierbot-great-release-after-great-work-9da741d12448


Check out new features of our https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot:

  • :small_orange_diamond: token support! You will now be notified of token transactions and can see balances in the address information!
  • :hammer_and_wrench: extended delegate information - now you can see the last activity time in extended address information.
  • other technical tasks.

Update description: https://tezosnotifier.medium.com/tezosnotifierbot-february-2021-update-1eae1ec934e9

A bunch of new notifications in https://t.me/TezosNotifierBot:

  • :money_mouth_face: payout notifications;
  • :ice_cube: availability of the award to the delegate;
  • :small_red_triangle: delegators balance monitoring;
  • :policeman: missing seen nonce revelation.

Check out release description: So many new notifications in TezosNotifierBot | by Tezos Notifier Bot | Mar, 2021 | Medium

The newest release of the TezosNotifierBot:

Hey there :slight_smile:
Check out new update of our Telegram: Contact @TezosNotifierBot! Most important features:

  • :love_you_gesture: new Omni-channel feature - now you can add the bot to your channel and receive notifications;
  • 🙅 out of free space notification on delegate’s spendable balance change;
  • :robot: AI feature - now robot will answer most common questions to our support;
  • :page_facing_up: list of transactions in the address info to get more detailed information about your address without leaving the bot;
  • 🧘‍♂️ Medium and Twitter integration - now the cycle stats will be posted on Twitter;
  • :gear: revised Settings menu for better convenience;
  • other fixes and improvements.

Check out detailed description: TezosNotifier October’21 release notes | by Tezos Notifier Bot | Oct, 2021 | Medium


Check out TezosNotifier annual report: Tezos Notifier — 2021 Annual Report | by Tezos Notifier Bot | Jan, 2022 | Medium - made with love for whole tezos community.

Here is a lot of analysis, insights, graphs, jokes! :laughing:Hope you’ll enjoy!

Twitter-post link: https://twitter.com/TezosNotifier/status/1483448343770587147