The Future of Taqueria

:tada: Hola, Coding Compadres! :tada:

Big news in the world of Taqueria! :taco: I’m thrilled to share some exciting updates about our journey and the spicy paths ahead! :hot_pepper:

As the lead developer and maintainer of Taqueria since its inception at ECAD Labs in 2021, and later under Pinnacle Labs from May 2023, we’ve seen incredible growth and development. Thanks to a generous grant from the Tezos Foundation, we’ve been able to push Taqueria to new heights, making it a staple in the Tezos development community.

Today, I have some personal and professional news to share: Taqueria is moving to Trilitech! :tada: I will be joining the Trilitech team as a full-time consultant. This transition offers greater predictability in my role and the exciting opportunity to work more closely with a dedicated team on Tezos-related projects.

A heartfelt thank you to Jev and the team at ECAD Labs, the initial custodians of Taqueria, who hired me and gave me the fantastic opportunity to enter the Tezos ecosystem. Their support and vision were pivotal in launching this project and my career within this vibrant community.

Also, a special thank you to Winstone and many others at Pinnacle Labs for their invaluable contributions and support. Their dedication has been a cornerstone of my journey with Taqueria, and I’m grateful for the collaboration and friendships formed along the way.

I want to reassure everyone that Taqueria’s development will continue to flourish with the same passion and innovation you’ve come to expect. Under the supportive umbrella of Trilitech, and with my continued leadership, we are gearing up for even tastier updates!

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s cooking: :taco::wrench:

  • Better Paris C Support: Over the next two releases, we’ll be enhancing our support for the Paris C protocol, ensuring that Taqueria remains at the cutting edge.
  • TezBox Plugin Development: We’re also super excited to start working on a new plugin for TezBox support, aiming to bring more seamless integration and utility to your development workflows.

I apologize for any uncertainty during the transition period, but I am confident and excited about the future of Taqueria with Trilitech. We are committed to making this a smooth and beneficial change for our vibrant community.

Stay tuned, keep your coding sombreros on, and let’s continue this flavorful journey together! :globe_with_meridians::tada:

Join the fiesta of innovation and let’s code, create, and celebrate the future of blockchain development!

¡Hasta la próxima, amigos! :taco::computer:

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