Week of August 3 - Questions for the Tezos Foundation

If you have a question for the Tezos Foundation, please include below and we will do our best to answer in this week’s update coming out on Friday.

Here is a link to last week’s update.



Thanks for answering questions. Below are a mix of some new questions as well as some re-occurring questions I’ve seen pop up in past weeks that have gone unanswered:

*** Will we get more transparency around council compensation? How much do foundation council members and executive counsel members get paid? How much of the compensation in fiat vs. xtz?**

*** What is the long-term funding plan for core development teams? Will they transition to protocol inflation funding over time or will they continue to be funded by the foundation or some mix?**

*** What method exists to ensure constant community voice in Tezos Foundation decisions?**

*** What was the process and qualification criteria for election of current board members?**

*** What process has the foundation put in place to ensure a grantee is completing the work as promised?**


Any plans on funding more solo baking tools like Kiln?

I would also like raised the same questions! Thank you in advance for taking this into account I think the community needs to be enlightened on this subject.