Week of December 14 - Questions for the Tezos Foundation

If you have a question for the Tezos Foundation, please include below and we will do our best to answer during the week. This AMA will be the last one of 2020!

The most frequently asked questions will be added to our FAQ.

Here is a link to last week’s update.


Has the foundation considered joining the “Blockchain Game Alliance” (https://blockchaingamealliance.org)? Are there any other efforts being made to outreach to the game industry, which is an often-touted potential use case for Tezos? Thanks.


Are you reaching out to Exchanges such as Binance for advertising/creating a competition with a prize made up of tez? Many other projects have got their foot off the ground doing this.

Also are you actively contacting all crypto news outlets; even ones not seen as entirely reputable but are also the most popular in the world (cointelegraph being the main one)… When i search the news for Tezos I don’t find any popular outlets posting articles about us at all, none about our previous updates and none about our upcoming one. Nothing about partnerships or Daps coming to tezos… We are moving at a snails pace while other projects are taking advantage of BTCs popularity to create large communities with large amounts of volume… even tho our project is years ahead of them with a working mainnet… yet many of them already have better partnerships… Please take this all into consideration and hire a PR/Marking firm… the people you have in charge of this aspect at TF need to be replaced.