Week of October 5 - Questions for the Tezos Foundation

If you have a question for the Tezos Foundation, please include below and we will do our best to answer in this week’s update coming out on Friday.

Here is a link to last week’s update.

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Is there any Press Kit for Tezos? I can’t find it anywhere.
Is there a plan to add one?

I really think this simple thing would help a lot with community engagement (memes, digital art and fan-made merchandise)


You’ve mentioned at the previous AMA that the upcoming grants platform will include a wishlist of areas in the ecosystem that the Foundation would like to more aggressively support. My question is, are there any plans to involve the Tezos community in some way with the new grant platform? Will we be able to review the submitted grant proposals, follow their progress, add ideas to the wishlist?


Hey Plavi, thanks for the question. The new grant platform will be released out soon, still finalising features and possibilities on it.
Other ways to support and reward Tezos community members are put in place, e.g the rolling out of the new community rewards program explained in that article: https://medium.com/tezoscommons/community-rewards-for-tezos-contributors-d6e2813a83d8
It’s showing categories for community members and total reward pool.

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Brand asset for Tezos should be released in Q4 2020. We are in the process of updating it. If you want to have access to the current one, please DM me.


Thank you for your response Robert, I think the new community reward sistem is great indeed :+1:
Also I do understand there’s still work to be done before the new grant platform is released, but I just wanted to point out that community involvement in such a platform is very important, one of the main issues we had with the previous approach was that it was all done behind the curtains and away from the Tezos community. It should be designed in such a way to be open for public to view the submitted grants, follow their progress closely, help review/test, add ideas to the wishlist… So I’m sorry to ask again, but I would love to know if such an approach is at least being considered by the Foundation?

Yes this approach is considered, and currently under evaluation of what will be implemented towards that direction.

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