Welcome to the Tezos Agora Forum

This is the Agora Beta. Feel free to leave feedback about Agora by voting on existing topics in the Agora Feedback category or creating new topics if necessary.

Tezos Agora is a place to discuss and learn about the long-term direction of the Tezos project.

Get started and learn about Tezos

The Tezos Wiki offers a first place to get started and learn about Tezos. There is also a Getting Started page on tezos.com.

Read the forum guidelines

We expect you’ll become familiar with the forum guidelines before posting a reply or topic.

Use the right category

Before posting a topic, please look at the list of categories and try to select the one you think fits best. Feel free to suggest new categories in the Agora Feedback category.

Proposals: Discussion about amendment proposals that have been submitted to the Tezos network for a vote. One topic is generated for each proposal.

Research and Development: Discussion relevant to the direction of Tezos, including future protocol upgrades.

Philosophy and Economics: Discussion about the philosophy and economics of Tezos as a network and cryptocurrency.

Project Updates: Updates from technical projects related to Tezos such as block explorers, wallets, smart contract languages, libraries, developer tools, etc.

AMA: A place for AMA (Ask Me Anything) interviews relevant to the Tezos community.

Agora Feedback: A place to give feedback on Tezos Agora: feature requests, bug reports, UI/UX feedback, feedback on moderation, discussion about changes to the categories and forum settings, etc. Please try to create one topic per suggestion.

Topics that don’t fit into any of the existing categories may get deleted. Price discussions and promotional posts (including promotional posts about delegation services) are not permitted. Also, we recommend using the Tezos Stack Exchange for more specific technical questions.